Monday 22 October 2007

Leave it to the Artists

Well I thought I would have a go at some drawing so I went away to the shops all geared up to buy some art supplies to broaden my artistic flair and I came back home with a load of stuff, some of it I don't even know what to do with it, but never mind I will work on that one later. I am always doodling away at something or other and I did really like studying Art at school (I just wish now I had stuck at it) , So I thought what the hell go for it. So I did!. This is my photo of my attempt its not brilliant but it is a start! . When my daughter saw it she just laughed and said the lady has got no clothes on. (That was not the worst bit I had to explain to her friends mum why I had left a picture of a naked lady lying around my kitchen). So what do you think? Do you think it is not to bad or should I just give up and leave it to the Artists?.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That sounds exactly like me...a trip to the store with all kinds of stuff...and you have no idea what to do with it! Sometimes the stuff sits there for years before I touch it...or at least it use to!! I like your drawing...I always wanted to be an artist...then one day I realized I was...I am a jewelry artist! So are you! Love your work!