Sunday, 5 October 2008

Money Money Money!

Well since i promised to update my blog frequently I thought I better stick to it, I am absolutely knackered suffering from insomnia for over a week now it is driving me mad, cant get to sleep for hours and then when I do i have to get up again to sort out the kids & the cats. I think it could have something to do with money like everyone I am feeling the pinch right now with everything in the shop's going up, loads & loads of bill's not being paid & worrying about what I am going to do about my daughter's birthday she is going to be 8 she act's more like a teenager but let her off with that as i love her to bit's and she has been through a lot over the last year. Now she wants a party like all her friends I am trying to convince her that a big party in one off those extortionate places is not a good idea & having one at home with a couple of her good friends will be better for her. wish me luck with that one! Also the cats got booked in last Wednesday for there op (castration) but Rory the big one got hit by a car on Tuesday night he is at the moment stuck in a cage in the living room as he will be there for the next few weeks due to his pelvis being the bit that got the most damage thought he was a goner his legs were completely buckled underneath him but luckily the nice vet managed to fix him he has got a check up on wed so hopefully he wont have to go for another op cause I really cant afford another one, cant even afford the one he has just had but the nice vet is letting me pay it up weakly I wish I got the pet insurance offer when we got them. He got castrated when he had his op this one went fine but Toby the little one had problem's went in to pick them up & the receptionist said he has a collar on I asked if he was OK and she asked if I knew that only one of his testicles had dropped so they had to go in to take it out. I mean really do you check to see if your male cat has got 2 ball's or is it just me who thinks that is just wrong! As you could tell by all the problem's with the cats & Hollie's party problem money could well be the reason behind my insomnia let's just hope that all the prices on everything in the shop's start coming down soon or there will be a lot more people out there with the dreaded insomnia!
I did manage to get some bracelet's made they will be posted up in my Etsy shop hopefully sometime this week!