Saturday, 27 October 2007

Christmas Decorations

I have been making more Christmas decorations this week but i can not get any nice photos of them because the weather has been dark & miserable here for the last two days. I have took this one of my Christmas Moon so you could have a sneaky peek of what I will hopefully be posting in my shop soon.... I really need to get a light box. I have also started my Christmas shopping on Etsy (of course), I would show you what I have bought, but it is for my sister & no doubt she we be having a nosey to see if I have let any thing slip. But I will show you all my handmade gifts I have bought from Etsy after Christmas because I am buying a lot of my presents there. Have a look at my favorites from Etsy at the side to see if you like anything & if you do just click on the picture & it will take you right to the sellers shop, please have a look. If you would like to see more of my Christmas decorations just click on my link at the side. All my Christmas decorations are on SPECIAL OFFER buy 2 get 1 FREE!.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

A Walk in the Woods

We have all had a terrible cold & sickie bug for the last couple of week's but today we were feeling a little bit better plus it is the school holidays & I am going mad trying to keep them happy so we thought we would go for a walk. We are really lucky because we stay right across the road from a beautiful woodland. The only thing wrong with it is the irresponsible people who walk there dogs & do not clean up after them, that really really p####s me off. especially when your little boy falls in it (which happens to Dylan every time we go). When we go for walks I always have to take a bag for the things the kids collect I don't know if you have to do the same but they are always picking up leaves, stones, bark of of the trees everything so at the moment the kitchen table is covered in all their findings, I took some photos when we were out to post on to my flikr page because I thought it needed a wee change, I did get it to advertise my jewelry but now I want to use it for every thing, I am thinking about getting a pro account but don't know if it will be worth my while yet as there doesn't seem to be much interest in my photos there but there is time with any luck it will pick up. Here is some of my photos from today..

Monday, 22 October 2007

Leave it to the Artists

Well I thought I would have a go at some drawing so I went away to the shops all geared up to buy some art supplies to broaden my artistic flair and I came back home with a load of stuff, some of it I don't even know what to do with it, but never mind I will work on that one later. I am always doodling away at something or other and I did really like studying Art at school (I just wish now I had stuck at it) , So I thought what the hell go for it. So I did!. This is my photo of my attempt its not brilliant but it is a start! . When my daughter saw it she just laughed and said the lady has got no clothes on. (That was not the worst bit I had to explain to her friends mum why I had left a picture of a naked lady lying around my kitchen). So what do you think? Do you think it is not to bad or should I just give up and leave it to the Artists?.

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Second Sale

Woohoo! I got my second sale tonight & I was not even logged on I was watching Dirty Dancing with my daughter, she is only coming up for 7 but she enjoyed all the dancing, It was a return to my teenage years for me, great fun. Anyway i thought i would post about my 2nd sale I am so Happy! This is my first ever sale abroad my Happiness earrings are going to be going to a new home in the US, The lovely lady who has bought them has a lovely shop on Etsy selling beautiful hand made card's this is her shop please have a look.
Here is a photo of my Happiness earring's. My first sale was a couple of weeks ago, i was in the forum on Etsy at the time and the kid's were just finishing there tea when i got the news i jumped up and started jumping around the living room, the kid's thought i had gone mad, anyway my first sale was to a fellow UK member of Etsy, she sells gorgeous shoes & other beautiful goodies. This is her shop please drop in to her shop & have a look. Here is a photo of bunny's new Tiger's Claws bracelet. From now on every time someone buys from my shop I am going to post a link to their shop here on my blog. I like the idea of helping them to get their shop promoted, Not that my blog gets a lot of views but every little helps. It would be great if they even got a sale out of it. If you do buy from any of the shop's please tell them about where you seen them advertised.

This is a photo of me & my kid's, not a really good one of Hollie as she was going through a stage where she would not get her photo taken, She is not like that now every time the camara comes out Hollie is there in front of it. Dylan was over the moon he had just been on a tractor for the first time, as you can see with his big cheesy smile. I thought i better put a photo in just to show everyone what i look like, I love being able to see the face behind the writing.