Friday 4 January 2008

As you can see I have a new past time I am at the moment addicted to needle felting. This is one of the first things I have made using my felted beads, I think it has turned out not bad. I love felting it is so therapeutic except for the hundred holes in my fingers, the amount of plasters I have used is unbelievable but all the same it is great if you have a lot of built up tension just think of something (or someone ) that has upset you & you will have a perfectly felted ball in minutes The only down side except for the sore fingers is I don't want to get on with my other stuff I need to get done like making a light box so I can post some new stuff on Etsy. We had our fist proper snow fall yesterday & the kids were all excited Dylan is not that keen on it he says it is to cold! I could not get Hollie to come in all day today except when she went rushing to her room to get changed then she was off out again. The snow is nearly all gone again but I hope there is more soon as I promised to take the kids sledging, we never seem to have much snow here anymore, the last few years there has been very little, I can remember getting a week of of school nearly every Winter & my Mum panicking that we were going to run out of food as we were snowed in & it was a long walk in the snow to get any thing from the shop. I miss those cold snowy Winters!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love this! They look so warm and fuzzy! Best Wishes! Mama Trep